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Healthcare Software Should Make Life Easier – not HARDER!!

Written byheyvital

August 19, 2020

Welcome to heyvital.com. The information on this blog is dedicated to making software work to the benefit of the doctor/patient relationship, not against it.  And, why not do it with open-source software?

For years, doctors have been sold a bill of goods, particularly with electronic medical records (EMR), regarding productivity, patient access to records, etc.  EMR’s have made the life of a doctor a living hell – quite honestly the worst part of their job.  Most notably, it has driven a wedge between doctors and their patients.  To make matters worse, EMRs have made clinical information LESS portable.  The list of complaints I have with regard to medical software is very long.

Not only is medical software generally terrible, but it’s also terribly expensive.  If you have been around the medical industry on the doctor’s side, you will inevitably hear about clinics and hospitals on the verge of financial collapse due to software transitions.  It is time for those days to stop.  We need to make software work FOR the doctor/patient relationship, not against it.  At the same time, that software should not put health organizations into financial straits.

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